4 Ways of How to Make Headphones Louder

Do you feel that your headphones are not giving great sound results to enjoy your favorite music? Are you planning to buy a new pair of headphones?

Hold on for a second!


Possibly your headphones are not providing an excellent and sufficient sound due to specific reasons. It is not essential to always throw them away and invest money to buy a new pair of headphones. Even if they are not giving great sound results, you can still use them by repairing the sound quality.

4 Ways of How to Make Quiet Headphones Louder:

Right through this guide, we will be explaining a few of the primary and easy-to-follow ways to make your headphones louder in sound. Have a look below:

Tip no 1: Removal of Volume Limits on the Device

Our first approach to making headphones louder on PC is by removing the volume limits on your device. Every single state has its laws for setting up the volume limit. The US has a volume limit of 120 decibels for smartphones and MP3 players. But in Europe, this volume limit is around 85 decibels.

But if you are residing in Europe, you are allowed to set the volume at the limit of 100 decibels by easily disabling your volume warning bar. In this way, you can maximize the volume of your phone.

Tip no 2: Use of Great Volume Boosting Apps

If the headphone’s sound quality has not yet improved with the removal of volume limits, then here we have the following approach for you to follow. Yes, this tip is about using some great apps for a headphones volume booster. You will find this volume-boosting app available for iPhone, Android, or Windows. The primary purpose of these apps is to give your headphones a solid sound output with a great kick. You can even use this trick to increase headphone volume Windows 10. A few of the popular apps for volume boosters are:

Volume Booster ProEqualizer Pro Volume BoosterEqualizer Pro
Volume Booster Sound Equalizer – By MixIT StudioSonicMax Pro Music Volume BoosterDFX Sound Enhancer
Dub Music Player – Audio Player & Music EqualizerEqualizer + (Music Player Volume Quality Booster)Breakaway Audio Enhancer

Tip no 3: Look for the Headphone Amplifier

If nothing works, then there may be an issue with the power output of your headphones. In general, the headphone is just a speaker, and all the speakers need an amplifier. With the smaller headphones, the emergence of space can be a significant limiting factor. Much smaller the amp will be, the lower the output volume.

But if you have underpowered headphones, the sound quality and volume will be pretty limited. You will feel some distortion at the maximum volume, and the sound quality of the headphones will not be too loud. Well, this is where you should think about increasing the volume.

Picking a standalone headphone amp is the best option over how to increase headphone volume. Another best way would be to look for earbuds that are sent out with the maximum volume. For the over-ear headphones, you should always be curious about checking up on the headphone impedance.

Tip no 4: Choose Some Great Sound Isolation Headphones

However buying and investing in a new pair of headphones is not the right option at all. We never recommend it! But if you are already dealing with crappy headphones, then getting new and excellent sound isolation headphones would be best.

There is no need to listen to any music at high volumes for an immersive listening experience with such headphones. Plus, they won’t be damaging your hearing capability as well.

Final Thoughts

These are a few of the best tips you can follow to give your headphones significant sound effects. No doubt, each of our recommendations is straightforward to follow for a brilliant listening experience at a loud volume. Follow the tips and grab a fantastic sound experience during gaming.

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